LOCATION: Ibiza, Spain
YEAR: 2023
STATUS: Competition
PROGRAM: Mixed-use, Landscape
AREA: 20 000 m²

COLLABORATION: Daniel Martin De Los Rios, Oscar Ruiz

The project proposes to create a series of green “Monuments” along the highway, which highlight the island's biodiversity and provide affordable housing for locals. The monuments are designed to be educational and informative, and also include public spaces where people can gather and learn about the island's natural and cultural heritage. The landscape strategy restores the natural waterways that once connected the mountains and the sea, which generates a network of green corridors for soft mobility. The design is based on the island's vernacular heritage translating it to a modern sustainable construction. Overall, the project is a bold and innovative proposal that has the potential to transform Ibiza's image, to a more sustainable and attractive destination for both locals and tourists.

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